Cass Cairns
Are you a senior scientist, forest professional or student representative interested in sharing your knowledge with those on their way to a glorious career in the field of forests?
Are you an early career scientist/professional or student, looking to use this congress as a way to network, learn and discuss your own ideas?
Then please register to take part in the IFSA-IUFRO World Congress Mentoring Programme!
What is the IFSA-IUFRO mentoring programme?
During the IUFRO World Congress thousands of forest scientists and stakeholders from all over the world will come together in Brazil to share the latest knowledge and have a dialogue across the full range of forest-related topics and disciplines. But beyond this, the Congress will provide an exciting platform for students and early career scientists to connect with and learn from senior researchers, and to share their ideas on the most pressing forest-related issues of our time. For many students and early career researchers, huge congresses such as this can be a new and daunting experience – many find it hard to navigate the complexity of topics, to speak up in discussions, or to network with senior scientists.
The IFSA (International Forestry Students’ Association)-IUFRO mentoring programme is here to address these challenges!
We understand that different career stages offer different opportunities to share knowledge and to learn – read on to learn about which mentoring opportunity may be right for you!
Scientific mentoring
Experienced scientists (>35 years, working in a scientific/research field) are paired with students or early career researchers with similar research interests to exchange knowledge and ideas on their fields of forest sciences. Learning opportunities include presenting your research findings to the broader public and scientific networking and collaboration.
Peer-to-peer congress mentoring
Wondering how to make the most out of your first major conference? Experienced IFSA members are ready to provide peer support to those students that are looking forward to their first conference. Learn all there is to know on the different elements of the conference, how to identify the people of interest for your career and how to approach them.
IUFRO Division mentoring
Early career scientists that are interested in learning more about what it means to be involved with of IUFRO’s nine divisions, and ready to take a step to developing leadership capacities and their role with IUFRO, will be invited to join a meet-and-greet information session during the Congress to learn about opportunities to be mentored within a division for a full year, starting at the World Congress in Curitiba. IUFRO’s divisions cover different key forest research fields. Within the division, the state of the art knowledge on a specific forest science field is shared and collaborative work is supported to further the knowledge of the field. If you wish to know the workings of an IUFRO division, expand the network on your topic of interest and be the first to know about all the new developments within your field, then teaming up for a learning year with one of the divisions is the right step for you.
How does it work?
Once you’ve applied for this program, the IFSA team will strategically match mentors with mentees, based on your similar backgrounds and interests.
Mentors will then help guide their mentee throughout the Congress to facilitate networking and understanding of presented topics and forums. In turn, mentees will have the chance to share their own knowledge, research, experience or insights. There are no specific requirements as to how much time you spend together during the congress – how you approach your mentoring experience is 100% up to you!
This sounds great, where can I sign up?
Please fill out this short form – it will only take a minute!
We will then be in contact with more information and to confirm your participation. Closer to the congress, we will then introduce you to your mentor/mentee, and provide you with tips and any support you may need leading up to or during the congress.
If you have any questions, please contact the IFSA-IUFRO World Congress mentoring coordinator Joost de Koning joost.dekoning.ifsa@net.