Speakers known around the world for their expertise in the area of forests will appear at the 25th World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). During the plenary sessions, scientists, researchers, teachers, students, and professionals in the forest sector will participate in discussions on issues related to the event’s five main themes. Each session will feature at least two guests.
The discussions will be held every day except Thursday (when congress participants will go on technical visits to forest areas of interest near Curitiba).
According to Yeda Maria Malheiros de Oliveira, researcher at Embrapa Florestas and vice president of the event’s organizing committee, the speakers were chosen for their individual experience and viewpoints. “We sought out some people with a more scientific perspective, as well as others with a more humanist vision or a more practical approach to using science in real life,” she says.
She also adds that the guests are notable figures on the regional and global stage. “We invited people from various continents, both men and women, for more diversity in terms of viewpoints and experiences.”
IUFRO2019 is being organized in Brazil by Embrapa and the Brazilian Forest Service. The event will be held from September 29 to October 5 in Curitiba; this is the first time the congress is being held in Latin America. Complete information about each speaker can be found at: https://iufro2019.com/guest-speakers/
The following section describes the content and guests for each plenary session:
Monday, September 30
The first session will be a dialog with a moderator, a keynote speaker, and panelists discussing “The Role of Forests, Forest Products, and Forest Services in a Changing Climate.”
The moderator will be the consultant Gerald Steindlegger, former CEO of WWF Austria and former director of policy for the Program on Forests and Climate Change at WWF International. The keynote speaker for this session will be Werner Kurz, senior scientist at the Canadian Forest Service. The three guest panelists will be Germany’s State Secretary for the Environment Jochen Flasbarth, Josefina Braña Varela of WWF International’s Program for Forests and Climate, and Thaís Linhares-Juvenal, Team Leader for Forest Governance and Economics at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Tuesday, October 1
On the topic of “Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Biological Invasions,” this plenary session will explore issues such as the impacts and effectiveness of different forest management practices on biodiversity in protected areas and community-based forest management, as well as agroforestry systems.
Björn Hånell, a professor with more than 40 years’ experience in research and teaching at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, will moderate the session. The speakers will be Suzanne Simard, professor of forest ecology at the University of British Columbia, and Ivonne Higuero, Secretary General of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and environmental economist.
Wednesday, October 2
The plenary session on the third day of the event will focus on “Forests and People.” The topics covered will include human well-being and quality of life related to economic and social assets and environmental services which forests provide to urban as well as rural populations.
The guest who will lead the discussions is John Parrotta, Program Leader for International Forest Science Issues at the US Forest Service (and incoming IUFRO president). Purabi Bose, an anthropologist and specialist in policies for use of forest areas, and Maria Chiara Pastore Stefano Boeri, research director at Stefano Boeri Architetti and associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan, will discuss the session theme.
Friday, October 4
“Forests and Forest Products for a Greener Future” will be the topic of the plenary session, which will address trends in demand for traditional and innovative forest products, goods, and ecosystem services, increased use of wood in the construction sector, and other uses.
The moderator of the session will be Daniela Kleinschmit, professor of forestry and environmental policy at the University of Freiburg. The debate participants will be Vincent Gitz, Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees, and Agroforestry, and Klabin’s Director for Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Pulp Business, Francisco Razzolini.
Saturday, October 5
The last plenary session will focus on “Interactions between Forests, Soil, and Water.” Topics will include Issues such as water consumption by forest plantations in comparison with other land uses, governance, and institutional arrangements related to management of forested watersheds.
The session will be moderated by Shirong Liu, professor and chief scientist in forest ecology and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Forestry. The guest participants will be Meine van Noordwijk, professor of agroforestry at Wageningen University (Netherlands), and Dipak Gyawali, Academic at the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology.
Washington Luiz (0010430/DF)
Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento
Katia Pichelli (MTb 3594/PR)
Embrapa Florestas
“The practices, rights and knowledge of Indigenous Peoples in forestry are being increasingly recognized by national policies, international treaties and by business arrangements such as certification,” said Dr. Stephen Wyatt of the School of Forestry at the University of Moncton in New Brunswick, Canada.
Forests, except in the most severe cases, are quite resilient to radioactive contamination and will continue functioning normally.
That is one of the surprising takeaways from the nuclear accidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima.
Human needs and our environment continue to change. Because of that, forest management practices, in terms of sustainable forest management (SFM), need to be updated, said Dr. Liu Shirong, Professor of Forest Ecology and Hydrology and President of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, China.
Communication has been defined as the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. But, to be effective, the information passed must be in a language and terminology that the person or persons receiving it will understand.
How does one decide how to manage a forest ethically?
One could simply say: do the right thing. But, the right thing for whom? And defining right and wrong – concepts that can vary according to moral climate or individual circumstance – is not all that simple.
Because of climate change, forest tree species have three options. They can adapt, migrate, or extirpate.
IUFRO Spotlight #67 – Tapping the potential of restoring disturbed tropical forests
Since the 1980s most deforestation globally has occurred in tropical countries – Africa, South America and Asia. The high rate of deforestation and degradation contributes to the disappearance of 13 million hectares of tropical forests each year.
IUFRO Spotlight #66 – A forest mix may best address global change
Managing a mixed forest in the context of environmental and social change is the focus of a recent publication put together by members of IUFRO Research Group 1.09.00 (Ecology and Management of Mixed Forests).
IUFRO Spotlight #65 – Tying up loose ends in gender equality in forestry
“In recent years gender equality in forestry has received a lot of attention – or lip service, anyway – but that’s not good enough. There exist a lot of loose ends at the practice and at the policy level,” said Dr. Purabi Bose, author, social environmental scientist, filmmaker and deputy coordinator of the IUFRO Gender and Forestry Research Group.
IUFRO Spotlight #64 – Latest in forest science to be showcased in Brazil
From Sept. 29-Oct. 5, Curitiba, Brazil, will be the site of the IUFRO 25th World Congress. These congresses have been held at approximately five-year intervals for the past 127 years.
“The World Congress differs from the usual 100-odd IUFRO scientific conferences held every year. In those, scientists in a given field will gather and discuss challenges, advances and solutions, in their specific area of expertise,” said Dr. Jerry Vanclay of Southern Cross University (SCU), Australia.
Congresso Mundial de Pesquisa Florestal acontece pela primeira vez na América Latina e vai discutir “Pesquisa Florestal e Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável”
Nesta Dia Internacional das Florestas, a organização do XXV Congresso Mundial da União Internacional de Organizações de Pesquisa Florestal (IUFRO2019) comemora a submissão e aprovação de mais de 4.000 resumos, que serão apresentados entre sessões orais e pôsteres. Ao todo, 3.200 pesquisadores, de 114 países, submeteram trabalhos para o Congresso, que será realizado entre 29/09 e 05/10/2019, em Curitiba (PR).
O Congresso, considerado o maior evento de pesquisa florestal do mundo, terá como tema principal “Pesquisa Florestal e Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável” e é a primeira vez que acontece na América Latina
A expectativa em relação ao número de trabalhos submetidos foi amplamente superada. Para o presidente da Comissão Organizadora do Congresso, Joberto Veloso, do Serviço Florestal Brasileiro, “a quantidade submetida e a qualidade dos resumos nos indicam que teremos um Congresso marcado por altas discussões, o que nos deixa muito satisfeitos”.
O país que mais submeteu resumos foi o anfitrião Brasil, seguido por Estados Unidos, Índia, Nigéria, China, Alemanha, Colômbia, Suécia, Canadá e Japão. “Teremos certamente diversidade e, por consequência, uma troca de conhecimento muito rica entre os participantes, em um grande fórum de pesquisas sobre florestas”, completa Patricia Povoa de Mattos, da Embrapa Florestas e representante do Comitê Organizador do IUFRO2019 no Comitê Científico.
A seleção dos resumos levou em consideração o contexto das sessões técnicas do Congresso, delineadas em cinco temas estratégicos: “Florestas para as Pessoas”; “Florestas e Mudanças Climáticas”; “Florestas e Produtos Florestais para um Futuro Mais Verde”; “Biodiversidade, Serviços Ambientais e Invasões Biológicas”; e “Florestas e Interação com o Solo e Água”.
Para mais informações sobre o evento, acesse: www.iufro2019.com.
Juliane Ferreira – Jornalista (MTb 4881/PR)
Interact Comunicação e Imprensa
Informações para imprensa:
Katia Pichelli – Jornalista (MTb 3594/PR)
Embrapa Florestas
(41) 3675-5638
Maior congresso de pesquisa florestal do mundo abre chamada para sessões técnicas (31/07/2018)
O XXV Congresso Mundial da União Internacional das Organizações de Pesquisa Florestal (IUFRO) já está sendo inovador por ser promovido pela primeira vez na América Latina. Com o título “Pesquisa Florestal e Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável”, o maior evento de pesquisa florestal do planeta acontece entre 29 de setembro e 5 de outubro do ano que vem em Curitiba (PR), com a expectativa de participação de pelo menos três mil pesquisadores, professores, estudantes e profissionais ligados ao setor florestal de todo o mundo.