Sessão para Estudantes e Jovens Cientistas - Chamada de resumos

O Comitê Científico do Congresso (CSC) e a Associação Internacional de Estudantes de Engenharia Florestal (IFSA) convidam estudantes e jovens cientistas para a submissão de resumos para apresentação nas sessões da Incubadora IUFRO.

As sessões da Incubadora IUFRO são destinadas especificamente a estudantes de pós-graduação e recém-formados para apresentarem um resumo do seu trabalho de graduação, dissertação de mestrado ou tese de doutorado. As apresentações devem ser ultra breves. Cada apresentador terá direito a apenas três minutos e um slide de power point.

Os resumos submetidos devem abordar um ou mais dos seguintes temas do Congresso Mundial:

  • Florestas para Pessoas
  • Florestas e Mudanças Climáticas
  • Florestas e produtos florestais para um futuro mais verde
  • Biodiversidade, Serviços Ecossistêmicos e Invasões Biológicas
  • Interações Florestas, Solos e Água

As sessões serão moderadas por representantes da IFSA.

Submeta o título, resumo e indicação da sessão preferida até 15 de Junho de 2019 através do sistema Oxford Abstracts: As cartas de aceite serão enviadas até 30 de junho de 2019. Observe que será aceita apenas uma submissão por autor apresentador.

Os resumos e slides em powerpoint para apresentação devem ser em inglês, mas a apresentação oral no congresso pode ser feita também em português, espanhol, francês ou alemão (idiomas oficiais da IUFRO). Todos os resumos aprovados para as sessões da Incubadora serão disponibilizados eletronicamente para download na página do Congresso e em meio eletrônico para os participantes do congresso. A submissão de um resumo implica no consentimento do(s) autor(es) para que o resumo seja publicado pelo Congresso.

Embora a efetivação da inscrição para o Congresso seja obrigatória até 31 de maio, prorrogamos o prazo para a Sessão de Incubação até 30 de junho. A não inscrição até 30 de junho implicará na exclusão da apresentação do programa.

Atenção! Dica aos aprovados: pratique sua apresentação antes do congresso, para garantir que você permaneça dentro do prazo de três minutos. Você pode ver exemplos de apresentações de três minutos em

Esperamos receber seus resumos e encontrá-lo no Congresso! Perguntas sobre as sessões da incubadora devem ser dirigidas a

Submitting an Abstract

You will be able to submit an abstract at You first will be asked to register for the conference, but you do not need to pay the fee when you register; you will have until June 30. After registering, you can then submit an abstract. The submission page contains the following components:

  • Congress Registration Number – provided upon conference registration
  • Title – maximum 30 words
  • Abstract – maximum 250 words
  • Presentation language – select English, Spanish, or Portuguese
  • Authors and Affiliations – add co-authors if needed
  • Permission to publish – check the box so that the abstract can be included in conference material
  • Author Approval – check that submission has been approved by all authors
  • Author will attend – check that you will attend conference if abstract is accepted
  • Presentation – select ‘Oral’
  • Choose Your Preferred Session – select ‘Student and Young Scientist Session’ and ‘S1a – Student Abstracts’
  • Confirmation Letter – check if you need letter for travel support or visa


Site-specific height growth models for three common tree species in Mongolia
Site-specific height growth models were developed for larch, spruce and pine in Mongolia. The models were derived based on base-age invariant methods to fit the three-dimensional surface of stand age, stand top height and site index in a manner that directly estimated site indices as parameters from the fitting procedure. The estimated base-age invariant models represented the observed age height patterns well across the range of site conditions. For all species the model explained more than 98 percent of the observed variation in stand height development and exhibited no apparent bias across the range of predicted site indices. Compared to historical site index curves, the growth patterns expressed by the site-specific height growth models were considerably different, indicating that the historical site index curves were biased. The pattern of deviation depended on tree species and site conditions.

Biomass, basic density and biomass expansion factor functions for Madagascar rosewood
The objective was to develop biomass functions for above- and below-ground components of rosewood growing in dense tropical forests of eastern Madagascar. Separate functions were developed for stem, branches, below-ground stump and root system, total above-ground biomass and total tree biomass. For each of these components or aggregate components, models were also developed for the average basic density of wood and bark and for the biomass expansion factor (BEF). The functions were based on 66 trees measured for total biomass. Model performance was evaluated based on 74 trees measured only for above-ground biomass. The trees were sampled in 18 different forest stands covering a wide range of tree sizes and stand treatments. Models were estimated using a linear mixed-effects procedure to account for within-stand correlations. The functions for biomass and BEFs included only diameter at breast height and total tree height for individual trees as predictor variables. Inclusion of additional variables reflecting site quality or stand density did not improve model performance. The functions for basic density included individual tree diameter, tree height and quadratic mean diameter as predictor variables, indicating an effect of stand density on the basic density of wood and bark.

Nutrient concentrations in stumps and coarse roots of willow and birch in Greenland
The objective was to evaluate the concentrations of nutrients in stumps and coarse roots of willow and birch in Greenland, and to assess how nutrient concentrations vary with site characteristics, stand age and root size.
Concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sodium (Na) were assessed in stumps originating from ten neighbouring stands of each species, located at eight sites across a north- south gradient from Thule to Ammassalik. Stand ages ranged from 20 to 380 years. Nutrient concentrations were higher in birch than in willow and were generally higher at southern sites, except for P. For all nutrients, concentrations were significantly higher in the bark of the stump and roots than in the wood. Furthermore, nutrient concentrations increased significantly with decreasing root diameter. The study did not demonstrate any correlations with stand age. Further studies are needed to provide a broader picture of how the stump nutrient contents vary with site characteristics and forest management practices to provide a better foundation for nutrient balance calculations when setting up recommendations for stump removal.

Patterns and severity of mahogany crown dieback in virgin forests in relation to stand density, bud flushing phenotype since logging
The extent and temporal pattern of mahogany crown damage attributed to Fungal fungus J.P. in previously unlogged virgin forest in the Ecuadorian Amazon was investigated in relation to bud flushing phenotype, residual stand density and time since logging. Data were collected during 2013 in four statistically designed experiments located in representative 5-ha forest patches (6-10 mahogany trees per ha, dbh > 20 cm). The study included 24 plots of three contrasting, residual stand densities: (1) approx. 45,000 trees/ha (unthinned control), (2) 15,000 trees/ha, and (3) 1,500 trees/ha. All plots were logged in December 2012. Assessments included flushing phenotype in January and an evaluation of the severity of crown damage (percentage of crown killed) in May and October. The seasonal pattern of disease severity was similar in all plots, and disregarding stand density the extent of crown damage increased significantly with increasing time since logging (P < 0.005). Disease severity was the worst in the control plots, but otherwise unrelated to stand density. Late-flushing trees were most severely affected (P < 0.001). The observed patterns of disease severity are probably associated with ecological features of the pathogen that still remain largely unknown.

Ecosystem services of a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest type in China
This paper evaluates the ecosystem services of a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest type in the Simian Mountain National Forest Park in Three Gorges Areas of China by using the methods of opportunity-cost and market price replacement. The study concerns six types of values of forest ecosystem services: water conservation, soil conservation, air purification, carbon dioxide fixation, biodiversity maintenance, and tourism. All are calculated based on field data, statistics data from a local travel agency, and related published studies and reports. The water conservation service included water yield and water quality protection. The soil conservation service included soil immobilization, fertility preservation, and soil erosion and sediment mitigation. The results indicate that the annual gross forest ecosystem services values in this area amount to 978 million yuan, of which 235 million yuan are for water conservation service, 140 million yuan for soil conservation service, 193 million yuan for carbon dioxide fixation service, 141 million yuan for air purification service, 159 million yuan for biodiversity maintenance service, and 110 million yuan for tourism service. The potential implications of these estimates are briefly outlined and discussed.

Recreational preferences depending on thinning practice in young stands of eucalypt: forester and the general population opinions in Australia
The aim was to investigate to which extent foresters agree with the general population regarding recreational preferences for contrasting stem densities in young stands of eucalypt. The study was based on five pairs of photographs from each of five recently thinned plots in a 10-year-old stand. The plots represented five different residual stem densities: 7000, 5000, 3000, 1000 and 100 stems ha-1. All cut trees were left on the ground. The analysis was carried out based on questionnaires. Interviewees ranked the photographs according to the criterion: “Which forest environment do you prefer as a visitor?” Principal component factor analysis showed that the general public (n= 243) tended to group photos according to similar overall pattern of openness, presence of row structure and stand accessibility (including presence/absence of slash). Stand density had little influence on their preferences for a wide range of stand densities (5000-1000 stems ha-1). In contrast, foresters (n = 158) grouped photos according to treatment type. The presence of slash had little influence on their preferences. This suggests an influence of professional background, making experts visually analyse and evaluate stands according to contemporary management standards and paradigms within the profession.


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